How do I be a Righteous Person?

A self-help topic from your friends at Bible Research

This resource is designed to help you on your faith journey towards the eternal kingdom.

Is it really possible to be a righteous person in this present world? It seems like this world has become too influenced by evil things and too much confusion exists to really be able to understand what is righteous. With pervasive deception, lies, and focus on money, how could one live righteously in this present time? Is it possible to live a life pleasing to the Almighty even in today’s world? These are just a few questions that came to mind when preparing this article. It is true that the apostle Paul wrote that there would be degenerate behaviors in the last days. How can I be a righteous person in these times? Christians are able to overcome unrighteousness by the help of the Holy Spirit.

It is possible to practice righteousness, just as an athlete practices a sport, or a warrior practices for battle. A person who aspires to serve Jesus Christ in righteousness also practices their skills every day. This practice is not out of vanity or proud ambition just to win a game or only to win a battle. Instead, it is a practice to give glory and service to the almighty Creator, YHWH, through His son, Jesus Christ, Yeshua. It is a practice of love. It is to be worthy and acceptable to enter into their eternal kingdom. It takes practice to win a game. It takes practice to win a battle. It takes practice to be righteous.

As with any practice, challenges arise that are unexpected. The adversary is real, and sends distractions, fiery darts, and evil intentions into the world. His ambitions are evil and opposite of those who want to serve God, our Creator. In practice, righteous people pray, fast, fellowship, and follow guidance provided in the holy scriptures to build a strong defense against the adversary. Just as Jesus Christ was tempted by the devil after being in the wilderness forty days, those who follow Jesus Christ are not exempt from the devil’s manipulative, evil, and lying attempts to deceive us in our righteous practice. As Paul wrote to the Ephesians to take up the whole armor of God, the person who practices righteousness must also be ready to fight a spiritual warfare. Athletes have workout routines that build strength and endurance. Warriors have battle plans that are repetitiously tested by teams using weapons and equipment to assure success during a real event. The practice of righteousness is a daily regimen that is rooted in love. This might sound contradictory to mention love, while also talking about warfare in the same article. But it is true. The evil of this world exists and in the universe too. Love is stronger than evil and will overcome the wickedness of this time because God’s love is greater than the wickedness of the devil. A person who practices righteousness loves. When does a person start practicing? Right now.

Sometimes a person who practices righteousness slips up and makes a mistake. It might feel defeating and deflating. We might feel like a loser. We might blame others for the mistake. These are normal human reactions, and with practice, can also be tempered into submission. As we mature in our practice of righteousness, we find that the sins which formerly hindered us, or tripped us up, have become less enticing, less powerful, or perhaps we have conquered them altogether. Conversely, we might confront bigger challenges in our practice as we carry on in our journey. These experiences are all a normal part of the path towards eternal righteousness. When we make a mistake, we do not give up. We learn from these mistakes and continue to ask for help from trusted, wise sources, through prayer, and supplications to our God. We then pick ourselves up and work harder to maintain the level of discipline appropriate for righteousness, just as an elite athlete would or a victorious warrior. We continue to practice righteousness even when we make a mistake.

The list below is provided to you from your friends at Bible Research to help aid in a deeper understanding about righteousness while also providing simple reminders to help us better practice righteousness. Each succinct statement is followed by a scriptural reference to support the concept. The list does not reflect all the attributes one must exhibit to be righteous; it does not encompass all things of righteousness. Rather, it provides a simple list to contextualize prominent righteous behaviors. Righteousness is a complex combination of a person’s heart, soul, and mindset. It is complex because human relationships and the spiritual world are complex. While the concept of righteousness is simple and summarized into two commandments which Jesus Christ taught, the practice thereof can be as rigorous as that of an olympic athlete or a battle-hardened victorious warrior!

A righteous person…


1 Loves God Mark 12:30
2 Loves their neighbor Matthew 22:39
3 Thinks on God’s name, YHWH Malachi 3:16
4 Does not do things that bother their conscience Romans 14:22-23
5 Does not lie Ephesians 4:25
6 Does not commit fornication Ephesians 5:3-5
7 Does not commit adultery Exodus 20:14
8 Does not covet or inordinately desire things of this life Hebrews 13:5
9 Pays back debts Psalm 37:21
10 Pays taxes Romans 13:6-8
11 Fellowships with brethren Hebrews 10:24-25
12 Faithfully serves God and His son Colossians 3:17
13 Reads the writings of the prophets and apostles 2 Peter 3:1,2
14 Does not fight with brethren over petty matters 1 Peter 3:8-11
15 Does things with honesty and integrity Job 2:3
16 Provides to the poor Galatians 2:10
17 Prays often Matthew 21:22
18 Partakes in the remembrance of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice through unleavened bread and wine Luke 22:18-20
19 Turns the other cheek Matthew 5:38-39
20 Takes a wrong, even if right 1 Peter 2:18-24
21 Respects authorities, even if does not like the government leadership Matthew 22:21-22
22 Controls spoken words Proverbs 21:23
23 Is angry without sin Ephesians 4:26
24 Cares for widows Isaiah 1:17
25 Cares for orphans James 1:27
26 As a husband, loves their wife Ephesians 5::25-29
27 As a wife, respects their husband Titus 2:3-5
28 Is not a friend of the world James 4:4
29 Avoids proud competition Philippians 2:3-4
30 Does not love money 1 Timothy 6:10
31 Does not worry about the wicked Romans 12:19-21
32 Speaks truth Proverbs 12:17
33 Avoids gossip or talebearing Proverbs 26:20-22
34 Offers wise advice Proverbs 19:20-21
35 Consistently gathers with people to worship God Acts 2:42
36 Gives to someone in need 1 John 3:17-18
37 Remembers those who are afflicted or imprisoned because they stand for Christ Hebrews 13:3
38 Empathizes with others in the church who suffer 1 Corinthians 10:24
39 Does not steal Ephesians 4:28
40 Does not cheat Proverbs 11:1
41 Does not provoke children to anger Ephesians 6:4
42 Tests the spirits for truth 1 John 4:1-3
43 Forgives Matthew 6:14-15
44 Offers praise Psalm 105:1-5
45 Is thankful 1 Thessalonians 5:18
46 Is patient with brethren Colossians 3:12-14
47 Patiently waits for Christ James 5:7-8
48 Is a peacemaker Hebrews 12:14-15
49 Avoids contentions and strife James 3:14-16
50 Is content 1 Timothy 6:6-8
51 Teaches their children what is good and right Deuteronomy 6:5-9
52 Keeps their body pure and clean Romans 12:1
53 Endures persecutions 2 Timothy 3:12
54 Is humble Proverbs 16:19
55 Is obedient Isaiah 1:18-20
56 Is longsuffering Colossians 3:12
57 Is teachable Proverbs 12:1
58 Is open to new ideas in righteousness Romans 12:2
59 Takes correction Hebrews 12:11
60 Is friendly Proverbs 18:24
61 Is approachable James 3:17-18
62 Confesses their faults and sins James 5:16
63 Does not do things that bothers their conscience Romans 14:23
64 Is merciful James 2:13
65 Is kind 1 Corinthians 13:4
66 Is tolerant and non-judgmental towards brethren Matthew 7:1-5
67 Does not complain 1 Corinthians 10:10
68 Practices moderation Philippians 4:5
69 Does not think evil 1 Corinthians 13:5
70 Is not arrogant 1 Corinthians 13:4
71 Is swift to hear, and slow to speak James 1:19
72 Preaches and shares the good news about the gospel, willing to give an answer of their hope 1 Peter 3:15
73 Endures all things 1 Corinthians 13:7
74 Hopes all things 1 Corinthians 13:7
75 Regards the life of their animals Proverbs 12:10
76 Willing to lay down their life for brethren 1 John 3:16
77 Is not easily provoked 1 Corinthians 13:5
78 Is not yoked with unrighteousness 2 Corinthians 6:14
79 Respects church eldership 1 Timothy 5:1,19
80 Seeks to prophesy 1 Corinthians 14:1
81 Listens to wise counsel Proverbs 1:5
82 Is not stubborn Proverbs 3:5-7
83 Does not idolize 1 John 5:21
84 Is not boastful 1 Corinthians 13:4
85 Is not rebellious 1 Samuel 15:23
86 Does not blaspheme Matthew 12:31
87 Is holy 1 Peter 3:16
88 Is perfect Matthew 5:48
89 Works heartily unto the Lord, and not unto men Colossians 3:23
90 Is fervent in the spirit Romans 12:11
91 Cares for the church Galatians 6:2
92 Casts off the works of darkness Romans 13:12
93 Thinks on good things Philippians 4:7-8
94 Is longsuffering 2 Corinthians 6:4-8
95 Repents Luke 24:47
96 Apologizes Luke 17:1-5
97 Reveres Jesus Christ as the ultimate Passover sacrifice Hebrews 10:10
98 Remembers the teachings of God and does them as a man who built his house on a rock 1 Corinthians 3:10-15
99 Honors their Father Exodus 20:12
100 Honors their Mother Ephesians 6:1-2
101 Avoids witchcraft Isaiah 47:13-14
102 Does not hate Luke 6:27-28
103 Does not murder Matthew 5:22
104 Does not get drunk Luke 21:34-35
105 Avoids wild parties Galatians 5:21
106 Does not envy Galatians 5:21
107 Is hospitable Romans 12:13
108 Views themself as belonging to Jesus Christ and YHWH, and views the brethren who do the Will of God as such also. 1 Corinthians 3:23, 6:19-20
109 Puts seeking God’s kingdom and His righteousness above all other things. Mathew 6:33
110 Remembers that baptism unites each of us with Jesus, and lives accordingly. Romans 6:1-7
111 Participates with the Body of Christ Hebrews 10:25
112 Reasons well together with any of the brethren Colossians 4:6
113 Thinks on things that matter Philippians 4:8
114 Sets a good example for others Titus 2:1-15


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