The Fallen Angels and Ancient Civilizations

The Fallen Angels and Ancient Civilizations

How long did the fallen angels live on Earth before the great flood occurred? “1. And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. 2. And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and...

The Shroud of Turin

Was the Shroud of Turin really Christ’s burial cloth? The Shroud of Turin is often given publicity as the burial cloth of Jesus Christ. It is a centuries old linen cloth, which displays the image of a crucified man. Many claim it is the image of Jesus Christ....

Should A Christian Observe Christmas?

If you ask people what the Christmas celebration symbolizes, most will say that it is the birth of Jesus. One saying occasionally heard around the holidays is, “Jesus is the reason for the season”, but more often people are immersed in a frenzied time of...

The Trinity: Fact or Fiction?

THE TRINITY: FACT OR FICTION? Although the concept of the Father and the Son may seem like an incredibly simple one to understand, numerous religions teach the doctrine of the Trinity–or a three-in-one Godhead. Because of that commonly held belief, many people...

Who is Bible Research?

Who is Bible Research is a common question we find here on our website. We are followers of Jesus Christ, and consider him our King, as is taught in the Bible. Here is some information about the ministry we preach, along with a summary about us and the information we...

What is faith?

The Bible teaches that faith is substance and evidence. It is not something that is “blind” as some people teach. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the stubstance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” When a person has faith, it...

Is the Bible true, can it be trusted?

Questions of Bible authenticity are common, some examples include, “Can the Bible be proven?” or, “If man wrote the Bible, why should I believe it?” and, “With so many translations, how do I know the original meaning wasn’t altered?” There are several ways to prove...