How Much Do You Really Need?

How much do you really need? And of what? Loving arms wrapped around you? A listening ear. A reflective tone. Understanding. Wisdom. Rest. Sleep. Prayers. Tears? Support and healing from the heart. Oh, fear the Lord, you his saints, for those who fear him have no...
Study 18: The Saints

Study 18: The Saints

Who are the Saints? You might be familiar with the Lord’s prayer which asks for us to pray for God’s kingdom to come. What does that mean? Is it just referring to the Almighty’s kingdom? Or is there more to the story? Indeed, the kingdom that will come includes a very...

Time For A Change—Simple Ways To Make Life Better

As we plunge into a new year, many people note that time as a fresh start to make positive changes in their lives. Here are a few free and simple ways that can improve our lives, not only physically, but more importantly, spiritually and mentally, too! TAKE TIME TO...

Study 05: God’s Name

God has a name. Did you know that God has a name other than “God”, “Lord”, “Father”, “Almighty”, or “I Am”? Jesus Christ declared God’s name to his disciples. “And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may...

Study 12: The Will of God

What is Almighty God’s will for me and humankind? Why does it matter that we learn, understand, and do God’s will? God describes His will in multiple ways in the Bible. His people must study the Bible to learn of His will. It is important to know His will so that you...